Final Fantasy XIV - Moogle Treasure Trove: The First Hunt for Genesis

A new Moogle Treasure Trove has just begun that brings features many players of Final Fantasy XIV have been asking for.

Final Fantasy XIV - Moogle Treasure Trove: The First Hunt for Genesis

Running from January 30th to March 11th, this event brings rewards that many new players will love to get their hands on but many long time players might be a little displeased at. Many of the items are repeats such as the mounts, Ultima Horns, and the Mameshiba Neckerchief. As well, the treasure maps guarantee a portal but they are level 80 maps. Personally, I would've loved the more relevant treasure maps even if they were just the ones that don't guarantee the portals. For a full list of rewards please see the special site.

New Features

Finally, players get a clean user interface for seeing where they can get their tomestones. This includes the standard objectives and the new categories of Weekly, Minimog, and Ultimog challenges. To get the new Mogpendium, go speak with any of the Itinerant Moogles in the major cities, and once acquired it can be found under collections and even put on your hotbar.

This is a great way to see all the possible ways a player can acquire tomestones and even gives a quick link back to special site where players can see the rewards.

The new UI where players can see the objectives and challenges to acquire tomestones.

As well, players finally have more ways of acquiring tomestones other than just running dungeons, raids and PVP! Clearly the Final Fantasy XIV team have seen the grind players go through to get these tomestones, and want to create an incentive for players to not spend many hours running one specific dungeon.

New in this event are 3 categories, Weekly Objectives, Minimog Challenges, and Ultimog Challenges.

Weekly Objectives can only be completed once a week, it also seems like we will be getting a new objective each week until the end of the event. Week 1 is Syrcus Tower. This rewards the players with 20 tomestones!

Minimog Challenges are also once a week but players get the choice between 2 possible options. This week is complete fates, or playing triple triad. Here's the catch though, it is completed fates in a specific location (Lakeland or Kholusia) and winning against a specific triple triad character (Fufulupa). I think this is a great way to breathe some new life into the old zones of the world.

Ultimog Challenges can only be completed once per event but reward a ton of tomestones. During this event, the goal is to achieve 8000 points in a single Ocean Fishing Voyage which will reward players with 50 tomestones.

Having these new objectives will allow players to experience new niche content, and bring other players back into these dead or quieter places and events.

Claim Rewards

If you are doing any challenge other than the standard objectives you must go into the Mogpendium and click the "Claim Rewards" button on the completed objective to receive your tomestones.

Final Thoughts

I think this is a huge win for both the players and Final Fantasy XIV as a whole. Not only does this break up the boring cycle of running the same raids or dungeons over and over, this prolongs the play time and allows players to only have to check in every once in a while. This encourages players to come back on a schedule which is good for the longevity of the game during these events. I am excited to see what other challenges will be added!