Minecraft Monthly January 2024
Minecraft Monthly Unveils the New Block and the use of the Trial Key

January 2024 Minecraft Monthly
During this month’s Minecraft Monthly, Vu spent a lot of time teasing out the use for the new trial key. Between teases and joking comments about uses for the key, they talked about a few minor things, such as the armadillo’s look being made to be more accurate (changing the eyes to be on the side of the face rather than the front) and how DyLaNGG2566 built the longest staircase in Minecraft using every possible height of block. They also announced the new Planet Earth III DLC, which you can read about on Minecraft’s Blog.
Finally, towards the end of the video, they revealed the new use for the trial key. It's to open the new block called the vault. Every player can only use each vault one time. This means no more competing over loot like you would from dungeon and other treasure chests. While in the video, it's mainly shown to drop enchanted iron tools and armor to the player, you can get a quick peek of some of the other options it can drop, since it displays the options floating in the center. Some of the options shown were:
- Enchanted Iron Armor
- Enchanted Iron Tools
- Enchanted Diamond Armor
- Saddles and Horse Armor
- Enchanted and Regular Golden Apples
The loot options only show up as the player approaches the vault block, animating and popping into place and then continuing to spin around and display some smoke particles like spawner blocks do.
As well, it was stated that the vault will be coming to Minecraft snapshots and beta soon for all of us to try. As usual, all things shows are subject to change at any point and you can share your feedback on Minecrafts Feedback site.
Don’t ask how I know this information, as I listened to Vu asking politely to keep my eyes closed just like all you guys did too.
PS. It was the Eye-madillo, they leaked the information.